Presevo,january 28, 2010/AIK-Presheva Jone


• The Assembly expresses the deepest indignation towards the verdict, politically motivated of the Court for war crimes in Belgrade towards nine Albanians of Presheva municipality. The Assembly considers that the lack of relevant material evidence, the verdict being based almost only to the statements of the witness as collaborator as well as to the indirect witnesses, make it unacceptable and lawfully unsustainable,
• The Assembly requests from the highest Court the repeal of this verdict, having into account the legal gaps and the lack of the material facts, as well as the violations of the human rights during the process of the arrest and detention of the nine Albanian citizens,
• The Assembly expresses the distrust towards the Serbian judicial system, especially referring to the failed judicial reform, criticized for the centralization of the system and the permanent refusal of the processing of crimes that were done towards the Albanian citizens in Presheva Valley during the period of 1999 – 2001,
• The Assembly considers the verdict towards nine citizens of Presheva municipality the continuation of the permanent pressure of the official Belgrade towards the Albanian citizens of Presheva Valley,
• The Assembly requests, that up to the reviewing of the appeal submitted by the defendant, the release of the four accused Albanians who remained in detention as well as the release from the accusation of all accused ones in this court process with political motives,
• The Assembly requests from the international relevant factors to exert pressure to the state institutions in Belgrade in order to terminate the court processes which are politically motivated, at the same time to terminate all the forms of discrimination as well as the permanent state pressure which is getting done in Presheva, Bujanoc and Medvegja,
• The Assembly declares that in case of non-respecting of the requirements set forth in this declaration, it will review all forms of political action till the expression of the civil disobedience.

Presevo, January 28, 2011, The Assembly of the Albanian Delegates