polunnnNew York/Geneva, 3 June 2016 (Nefail Maliqi) Welcome to the United Nations and to this first-ever United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit – UN COPS, report Press UN, transmete the National Information Agency “Presheva Jonë”.

New York, 3 June 2016
Distinguished delegates and guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the United Nations and to this first-ever United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit – UN COPS.

I am sorry that I cannot be with you in person. But I did not want to miss this chance to thank you for your commitment. I also asked the Deputy-Secretary-General to attend on my behalf.

Around the world, I have seen the difference that our brave police officers make to establish the rule of law and pave the way for peace and sustainable development.

From Kabul to Kinshasa … from Port-au-Prince to Pristina, United Nations Police work in some of the most challenging situations on earth.


They protect communities. They bring stability. They restore confidence.


UN COPS is a tremendous opportunity.

It is a chance to further ensure that United Nations Police become ever more “fit for purpose” – and able to meet the security threats in today’s volatile global context.

Thank you for your contributions, your engagement and your commitment.

Together, let us work for a safer and more secure world for all.

United Nations Police are your police.